My 6 garden plans for 2021

We all have plenty of plans for our gardens- whether you've had your garden for years, or it's brand new- it is never finished and there is always a new project to get involved with.

Our plans will all be different- for some people growing flowers from seed for the first time will be a very exciting plan, and some of us will have a looooooong list of adventurous projects to complete reinvent their gardens.

I love gardening because there is always something to do and there is always more we can do to help the environment, pollinators and create beautiful spaces. Here are my plans for 2021....

1) Rose Pergola- lots of you will have seen the new introduction of my rose pergola which I have wanted in my garden ever since I bought the house. My plan is to grow climbing and rambling roses up the pergola structure poles and then Sweet Peas up the sides. I'm thinking of attaching jute netting for them to climb up and I think the scent is going to be incredible. I'm also looking for some solar powered festoon lights so this area can feel cosy at dusk and in the evenings.

2) An area for a fire pit and 'comfy' seating- next to the pergola is where all the sun is in the evening so I'm planning to get hold of some Armadillo Sun coloured bean bags and a fire pit to create an area that I can sit with my friends, or with a gardening book and a glass of wine.

3) Raised beds in my front garden. In my front garden I have a dis-used area where I currently have a strip of grass. I'm hoping to change this and add some raised flower beds where I can use this for trials for new varieties before they go live on my website.

4) Water feature- I have a 'rusty bowl' in one of my flower beds which is full of still water, but I'd love to create something with a sound effect. I have an old iron water container which I am going to fill the holes with so it is water tight and then plant it up with water-loving plants. I've kept it raised so it will look lovely where I sit in the mornings. I have wanted a pond in my garden but I live next to a ditch and a giant pond over the road, so luckily there is plenty of habitat for nature that loves these conditions. I'll definitely be having a pond in my future dream garden though!

5) Breakfast seating area- so not only am I going to add a water feature, but I also want to add festoon lights to the seating area nearer the house as this is where I have complete privacy. I am thinking of buying some poles and hanging lights from my house to the poles.

6) Growing plenty of flowers! This one is a given, but I'm so excited to grow all the varieties on my website and some new ones I am trialling this year too. Growing flowers from seed makes my heart sing and I can't wait to share the journey with you all.


What are your gardening plans for 2021? Let me know in the comments below.

1 comment

  • Aimee

    Hi Lizzie! I really enjoyed reading about your garden plans for 2021. I only got into gardening in November last year as I was determined to have something lovely to look forward to. So far I have tulips in my front garden that are already poking their heads well and truly above the soil. I am growing ranunculus and Anemones and have just put them in my new cold frame which I’m very excited about. I really want lots of flowers for my victorian mid terrace garden. We have had a plain rectangular lawn for 8 years but I want to create a small circular lawn, a shingle path from the back of the house to our little summer house at the end of the garden which we also plan on revamping. I would like a raised bed section for more shade loving plants as my back garden is west facing so one side gets more full sun than the other. I am so excited though as I’m growing cut flowers from seed for the first time! I also want festoon lights somewhere. All in all I want to make it a really beautiful, interesting and calming space to be in and enjoy. I also want a water feature and by the sounds of it similar to your idea. Would love to see how you go about it. So yes, very excited to be in my garden more and more this year and really pleased to have found your page on Instagram and YouTube as I find your advice and tips really helpful.

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