Gardening jobs for September

September is an unusual month as some flowers are in their element and others are just about hanging on. Ensure you keep the flowers that are flowering now lovely and fresh by deadheading and feeding to ensure they last until the first frosts.


  • Sow hardy annual flowers for flowers early next summer
  • Plant up containers for autumn interest: there are lots of colourful plants to choose from
  • Bring any houseplants that you moved outside over summer back indoors, before temperatures start to drop
  • You can now start to plant some spring bulbs, including crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths, bluebells and snake's-head fritillaries in pots and borders, although I tend to plant mine later in the season when it is cooler.
  • Keep summer bedding flowering in hanging baskets and pots until the first frosts by deadheading and feeding regularly
  • Leave sunflower seedheads in place for birds to feed on
  • Water autumn-flowering asters regularly to deter mildew
  • Clean out water butts and check downpipe fittings in preparation for autumn rains
  • Check that tree ties and plant supports are firmly in place, ahead of any autumn gales
  • Wash and disinfect bird feeders and tables to maintain hygiene
  • Collect fallen leaves to store in a chicken-wire cage or bin bags to make leaf mould
  • Hunt for rosemary beetles on lavender and rosemary, picking off the striped metallic beetles and their grey larvae

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