Creating 'Curb Appeal'

Creating a front garden with 'Curb appeal' doesn't need to be expensive or hard. With a few well chosen plants, some seeds =, and plenty of energy with a garden fork, and you're well on your way.

I'm a big fan of creating a beautiful outdoor space, but that doesn't just mean your private back garden, any area outside your front door can be a wonderful display and add joy as you leave for the day, and come home to your house.

Whether it be a front garden border, a windowsill, a tree, or simply a well-placed flower pot, all of these options can create a beautiful display.

Here's some of my tips to create a front garden with Curb Appeal:

1) Pots- whether you have a big front garden, or not, there is ALWAYS room for some well planted pots. These containers can be changed throughout the seasons to ensure they are always looking beautiful. Plant them in autumn full of bulbs like tulips and daffodils for a gorgeous Spring displa. In summer, anything pretty much goes here. I tend to buy bedding plants. In autumn Chrysanthemums look lovely and add late colour. In winter Violas and Pansies have colour all year round, just be sure to watch out for the pesky slugs!

2) Scent- if you're leaving and arriving at the house through your front door, then think about what plants you can choose for scent. I have two scented climbing roses up my porch which look beautiful and in early summer and throughout, smell so lovely! I also have some herbs by my front door such a Rosemary, which is easy to pick for the roast potatoes and smells lovely; and of course there is the lavender...

3) Entrance- I have a few steps before reaching my door and I wanted to ensure it packed a powerful punch of curb appeal (but didn't break the bank!). Lavender was the perfect solution, and so cost effective when bought as plug plants. I picked up the lavender for £1 per plug plant and they have grown and knitted in together so quickly. I recommend Hidcote and Munstead varieties! It looks it's best in June, but gives structure all year round.

4) Colour scheme- If you're lucky enough to have some space for some borders then think about choosing a colour scheme. I've chosen a range of colours such as; Purples, Whites and Creams. This helps to ensure everything matches and you have a palette that is complimentary. These colours mean I have flowers such as roses, lavender, allium bulbs, Geranium Rozanne (possibly the hardest working/flowering plan of all time- can't recommend enough) and Daisies. I've also planted Wisteria at the front of my house, but I think it will be a few years before it flowers!

5) Balance- I've tried to keep my front garden symmetrical, as my house is too. But look at your house and it might need some balance by planting a climbing rose or Wisteria on one side. Or you might choose some bigger larger plants such as Hydrangeas on one side to fill the space.

6) Choose plants you love- you'll be coming back to your house potentially after a long day at work so make sure you choose plants you absolutely love to see. Ensure there is something for each season- I have Rosemary which is cut into  a ball shape which looks lovely in Winter, Thalia white daffodils in Spring, and a riot of lavender, aliums and Geranium Rozanne in the summer, Autumn is perhaps the hardest month to add curb appeal, but this autumn I planted some Heather and Pansies into pots on top of the bulbs which has added a nice bit of colour.

What have you done in your garden to create Curb Appeal?

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