Christmas Advent Calendar Wrap Up

So you’ve received a 2020 TRPG Flower Seed Advent Calendar and opened up seeds from each day… now what to do next? Well hold tight as not all of the flower seeds can be sown straight away. But I promise it’s worth the wait. You have a very exciting few months ahead of you- sowing and growing all these seeds into beautiful flowers! Your garden/allotment/Pots/borders are going to look amazing come summer and you will be able to pick bunches of flowers to bring indoors or share with friends, or just admire your lovely garden! Whether you are a new beginner or a long-standing green-fingered expert, I hope the next few months bring you as much joy as I get from growing a beautiful garden from seed.

This post is hopefully going to give some helpful hints and tips on how to grow your seeds. Plus if you have any particular questions then let me know by dropping me an email or message me on Instagram @therosepressgarden. I’d also love to see all your pictures of you sowing and growing your seeds, and of course all the finished results too!


Nemophila Freckles ‘Snowstorm’                

Pure white background heavily dotted with tiny black speckles. Annual, sow March-April, 2 weeks at 18°C. Plant in containers, baskets, or at the front of borders.


Sweet Pea ‘The Blues Mixed’                           

A Monet style mixture of flaked colours. Sow this winter in module trays and then transplant into pots as they get bigger. Pinch out the seedlings for branching, and therefore more flowers! Keep watering, feeding and deadheading throughout the season for best results.


Ammi Majus Graceland

Gorgeous dark green foliage and large white flower umbels. Clear white flowers are brilliant for mixed bouquets. Height: 100cm.
Grow as a fresh cut flower, or for height at the back of borders

Annual - sow March onwards into module trays, germinates at 15-18°C, or direct sow April-May.



Gypsophila Paniculata ‘Snowflake’                          

This is a perennial type, so will come back year after year. This is a double form of Gracefil clusters and can grow to 1m. Sow April-July, cover seed lightly with vermiculite. Germination takes 2-3 weeks at 20°C. Then plant out in the desired position.


Nemesia ‘Masquerade’  

A real unique show stopper, suiting baskets and containers. Produces masses of bicolour white/yellow flowers with a strong scent. Sow Feb-April, 2 weeks at 15-18°C. Higher temperatures supress germination. I’d recommend planting in a pot to keep on your summer table to enjoy the scent outside!


Larkspur ‘Limelight Light Pink’                          

Larkspur are loved by pollinators. They grow tall to 1.2m, so ensure you stake them! Sow in March-April: Seed germinates in 3-4 weeks. You can also dry these flowers for a display inside in Autumn and Winter.                     

Note: Harmful if eaten


Candytuft ‘Fairy Mixed’
Dwarf and compact, with a lovely mix of colours. Grow to a height of 25cm, so great at the front of borders.
Sow direct into the flowering position in April-May, thin out as required. Sowing to cut flowers in 14-16 weeks.


Sweet Pea ‘Tango Mixed’                         

Gorgeous trained up a structure. These are ready to be planted in Winter, the extra growing time in winter means you will have bigger, stronger plant. Sow in trays, pinch to encourage branching and plant out in April. Plant them at the base of a structure they can grow up.


Cleome ‘Helen Campbell’ Long-flowering spider-like, white fragrant flowers. They grow to a height of 1.5m, so great in the middle to the back of borders.
Alternative botanical name: Cleome spinose. Sow January-March, 1-2 weeks at 18-20°C.


Sweet William ‘F2 Spinner Mixed’        

Lovely mix of bright blooms, and great for cut flowers too! Grow to 60cm. Sow February-March, germinates in 2-3 weeks at 15-18°C, transplant into pots until ready to plant out. Flowers June onwards with a spectacular display


Larkspur ‘Limelight White’

This new variety has strong stems for cutting. The double flowers have brilliant vase life. They grow tall to 1.2m, so ensure you stake them well early in the season to prevent the wind knocking them over and snapping! Sow in March-April: Seed germinates in 3-4 weeks.


Nigella ‘Miss Jekyll Dark Blue’

Dark blue flowers that grow to 55cm. Sow direct into open ground from March-May. Lovely for filling space in borders, as fresh cut flowers, and for dried flower heads. Also known as ‘Love in a Mist’.


Scabiosa ‘White’

Long flowering Scabiosa is great for the back of the border and also makes a good cut flower. 90cm tall and loved by the bees. Sow direct on well prepared soil in May.


Cosmos ‘Sensation Mixed’                       

Pink and white mix that grows to 1m tall and great for the back of borders. Start off in trays in March and plant out when the signs of frost have gone, or sow direct into the flowering position in April-May. Remember to deadhead these


Stocks ‘Beauty of Nice Mixed’

Stocks are gorgeous border plants. This variety is a branching type known for plenty of flowers. Sow in March and they will grow to 50cm.



Nemophila ‘Five Spot’

White with blue veined petals which have a deep violet-blue spot at each petal tip. A summer annual, sow March-April, 2 weeks at 18°C.


Lobelia ‘White Fountains’                  

Brilliant around edges of pots. Mainly white, with a small proportion of blue. Sow indoors, Jan to April, thinly, in trays of compost, pressing the seeds into the surface. Do not cover, as lobelia needs light to germinate. Keep soil damp. Seedlings should appear within 7-14 days.


Cornflower ‘Romantic Mixed’                          

An attractive pink blend great for cutting, and the bees love them (Bonus!) Sow March-April, 1-2 weeks at 15-18°C.
Plant into borders for lovely colour!


Nicotiana affinis ‘White’   

Pure white, sweetly scented. Grows to 60cm. Sow mid-February to April on compost surface and keep moist. They will germinate in 1-2 weeks at 18-22°C. Prick out after 4-5 weeks and then plant out when ready.


Nigella ‘Miss Jekyll White’                             

White masses of flowers that have the most wonderful dried seed heads. They grow to 55cm. Sow direct into open ground from March-May. Lovely for filling spaces in borders, as fresh cut flowers, and for dried flower heads


Cornflower ‘Pinkie’            

Cut Flower variety of cornflower Bright pink. 1m.
End Use: Fresh and dried cut flower. Sow March-April, 1-2 weeks, then plant out when seedlings.
Cornflowers add lovely colour to borders and look amazing mixed with cosmos in hand-tied bouquets.


Gypsolphila ‘Elegans Covent Garden White’                  

Also known as 'Baby's Breath'. Large flowered pure white, use as a filler in mixed bouquets. 45cm tall. Sow directly in April- June where you’d like it to grow. Cut when nearly all flowers on the branch are open for your bouquets, or leave at the front of borders for a whimsical relaxed garden style. 


Phlox ‘Twinkle Dwarf Star Mixed’                                

Star shaped flowers that grow to 20cm. Sow March to April, germinates in 2-3 weeks at 20°C. Prick out after 4-5 weeks into bigger pots, then plant out when frosts have cleared.


Cornflower ‘Snowman’            

Beautiful bright white. Bees absolutely love these! Sow March-April, seedlings will grow in 1-2 weeks, then plant out. Cornflowers add lovely colour to borders and look amazing mixed with cosmos in hand-tied bouquets.


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